Insurance in simple words, FAQ, Terms and definitions

What is insurance in simple words? Do I need It? How does It Work? Insurance is one of the most important segments of the service industry. So It supports the safe and predictable plans of other industries and people. Buying insurance shouldn’t be too difficult. Yes, there is a lot to consider before buying it. But remember, you are not alone. We tell you the latest and most important things to know about insurance in 2024.

Your provider can tell you much more than a policy document. Risk management professionals, brokers, and experts can give you the information you need about insurance. But they are often not impartial and will try to refer you to certain companies and types of insurance. So first take some time to understand the issues and make sure your investment is sound.

Terms and definitions

it will be more useful if we define some terms related to now before buying Insurance:

  • Insurance is a repayment contract. For example, it reimburses losses due to certain hazards such as fire, hurricanes, and earthquakes.
  • An insurer is a company or person that promises repayment.
  • The insured is the person who receives the payment in other insurance types except life insurance, in the name of the life insurance, the payment goes to the beneficiary named in the contract.
  • Beneficiary / Beneficiary is the person who will benefit from the insurance, usually the insured himself, in life insurance, it is the person designated in the policy.
  • The premium is the money you pay the insurer to buy insurance, and you usually pay annually or every 6 months.
  • The policy is the Contract between you and the insurer.
  • The risk is the events, risks, or dangers that will happen to the insured.
  • Coverage is the assurance that the insurer gives to you when the insured suffers a loss. The assurance can be different things, if it’s money, the amount paid by the company we call Compensation.
  • The agency is the dealer of the company in different places, it signs a contract with you by the company and pays you a guarantee or compensation in case of Risk.
  • Unlike the Agency, the broker is the person or company that is on the side of the insurer. Therefore, the broker helps in the selection of the best and most appropriate protects the rights of the insurer in case of damage.

What does insurance do, do I need insurance in 2024?

What is Insurance and how it works? do I need it in 2024, Terms and definitions
How Insurance works

By making insurance, you take the risk and management burden of the risks in your life and carry it to the company. You can have an easy and happy life by taking this burden off your shoulders and leaving the management of this risk to a more professional team. That’s what insurance companies are for.

By paying a small premium per month or year, you throw off the related risk and the burden of grievance it will create and leave it to the company. If you have traffic insurance, the company will cover the financial and personal damage you gave to the other party in the event of an accident, or if you have automobile insurance, the company will still cover your loss even if you are responsible for the accident, other types of insurance work with the same process and logic.

How insurance companies work and make money

Insurance falls into two main categories:

  • Property (Car, Home, Business…) and Accident insurance (P&C), It protects businesses and individuals against both physical and financial losses and risks related to their belongings or assets. See Types of Business Insurance.
  • Life and Health insurance, insures people against financial loss due to premature death, sickness or illness. Best life insurance companies

To protect against loss and risk:

  • Companies such as the Prudential Life Insurance Company estimate an annual cost or premium to accept the risk to cover your home, business, car, Life, or health. Premiums are based on how much companies think they should pay for next year’s claims.
  • Monthly or annually, you pay a premium to your insurer for assuming that risk on your behalf.
  • The company puts all premiums into one large pool. You have an annual contract, so the pool only operates for one year at a time.
  • The insurance company uses multiple pools of premiums to pay for the losses of several claimants that year.
  • If you don’t make a claim, you won’t get your money back. Instead, the company pools the premiums of all policyholders. If you make a claim, the money comes from the pool of policyholders’ premiums.
  • The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) provides expertise, data, and analysis for commissioners to effectively regulate the industry and protect consumers.
How insurance companies works and make money
How insurance companies work

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

  1. What is it in simple words?
    Insurance is an arrangement in which you pay money to a company, and they pay money to you if something unpleasant happens to you. For example, if someone stole your property or damaged it, or if you get a serious illness.
  2. What does premium mean?
    An agreed amount of money that you pay to an insurer company, either as one payment or as one of a series of yearly or monthly payments
  3. What is premium tax?
    Premium Tax (IPT) is a tax on insurers, like VAT, that applies to most general premiums or potential premiums. After your provider collects the premium from you, pay the tax directly to the Government.
  4. What is premium financing?
    Is the lending of funds to a person or company to cover the cost of the premium. Premium finance loans are often provided by a third-party finance entity known as a premium financing company; however, companies and brokerages occasionally provide premium financing services through premium finance platforms. Premium financing is mainly devoted to financing life insurance, which differs from property and casualty insurance.
  5. What is premium funding?
    Premium funding enables you to pay your annual premiums with a flexible repayment plan. So allows you to keep working capital in your business.


  1. what is the policy?
    An insurance policy/plan is a contract between an individual (Policyholder) and a company (Provider). Based on the terms, the insurer provides a lump sum amount to the policyholder/nominee in case of an eventuality.
  2. what is the policy number?
    The insurance company gives the policy number to each policyholder. This unique number identifies customers’ policy. Therefore, you use it as a reference number to identify your car insurance policy and coverage.
  3. what is a policyholder?
    The policyholder is the person who bought the policy. And they get all the benefits described within that policy. They’re allowed to make changes to the policy or cancel it. The policyholder also has the option of adding more people to the policy, after which those people would also receive coverage.
  4. what is the policy life cycle?
    The policy life cycle is a process that describes how you should prepare, implement, and evaluate a policy. It serves as a didactic guide for policy novices rather than a strictly defined practical process.
  5. what does deductible mean?
    A deductible is a key feature of many types of coverage. It is the amount of money you pay out of your own pocket toward a covered claim. You’ll typically find deductibles for certain coverages in homeowners insurance, renters, and auto insurance policies. Cheapest Renters Insurance.


  1. what is the claim?
    A claim is simply a request made to your provider. When you make a claim, and your property has been damaged. Or you have been injured. You can only claim something that is caused by one of the named perils listed in your policy. Your policy covers and compensates you for losses or damages. A claim is a request for that compensation after you pay your share of the costs if you have any.
  2. what is subrogation?
    When one insurance company tries to get money back from another company, it is called subrogation.
    For example; If you are injured in an accident, your health insurance pays for your immediate medical care. Then that company will typically try to get back money( subrogation) from your auto insurer or the other person’s insurer.
  3. what is a surcharge?
    It is an extra fee that the company adds to the premium. In some types such as car insurance. If you have an accident you are at least 51% at fault. Your insurer company charges you more and your premium can go up when you renew your policy. This increase is called a surcharge.